I know a lot of people expect to see the “glossy” lifestyle we live, the picture perfect family we have and that we are calm, cool and collected parents. But to be honest with you there is so much more to parenting than what people see on social media.

Here’s the reality – We are not perfect. We have our off days when things go wrong in the house such as not being able to go out like the way we used to, or our kids fighting or arguing just because they don’t get what they want. Ayen and I have seen it all and we are on top of it.
Our five children have different wants and needs and we try as much as possible to provide for them. You see being cooped up in the house for more than a year can be challenging. We have to constantly think of fun and innovative things to do to make life more enjoyable at home. Thankfully it has been working.
We have gone through a lot as a family that has fortified our bond and our love for each other. We have been through so much pain and loss in the past year but because of God’s grace and the support we give each other, we have become stronger and more grateful for all our blessings.
I can truly say that we are now more CONNECTED for REAL with each other than ever before.
So to all our co-parents out there, ignore the judgments you see online about parenting. They don’t know what you are going through to make this world a better place for your family.
Let me assure you that you are doing a great job by being there for your family whether you are a single parent or you are doing it together with your spouse.
From one dad to another I just want to say there is #NoDadLikeYou.
Watch PLDT Home’s new video series No Dad Like You by clicking on the link https://www.youtube.com/user/PLDTHome .