My wife Ayen and I are blessed to have five beautiful children that come in two batches – the adults Mariella, Hasan and Angia and the babies Sofia and Lucia.
The adults pretty much have their own thing going, which we totally respect and support while the babies are still very much attached to us, which we love!

Ayen and I have set up a routine with Sofia and Lucia. As soon as we wake up, they jump into our bed and begin our day by making “lambing”. I swim with the girls for an hour every other day where we do some basic drills.
Lucia always takes a nap while Sofia does online activities where we hone her talent in singing and dancing. We cap the evening with our “us time” by watching some movies on Netflix or simply having some more “lambing time”.
We end the day with a prayer and lately Sofia has been leading them, which makes us so proud.
My Mom taught me a phrase when I was young that I also taught to my kids “I love you mucho mucho con delirio at kung masarap ang pikok, mahal kita”.
Ayen and I are not perfect parents but we try to be the best to our children. I want to encourage all you Moms and Dads out there that you’re doing a great job. Remember your children love you no matter what. They learned how to love because you taught them what unconditional love is.
Parenting is all about paying attention to their needs and loving one’s family the best way one can.
Parenting is a 24/7 job with infinite returns. I know it first hand and it is the best job ever!
Please watch the #NoDadLikeYou video series of PLDT Home by clicking on the link https://www.youtube.com/user/PLDTHome.