Family Life

Take His Hand and Follow His Lead

I have been going through changes in my life which I know is for the better. But those changes come with letting go of the things that I have been used to. The things that I have been comfortable with. Understanding God’s best for us is sometimes difficult specially when He takes us out of our comfort zone and asks us to take that leap of faith.

I have been praying for so many things in my life. And through the years God has been answering my prayers. Some, the way I wanted it be and some did not go the way I wanted it to, I must admit I got frustrated so I asked God to turn the situation around. I was too self-centered and focused on what I wanted dictating to God what I wanted to happen and after years of insisting on the things I wanted, I still did not get the answer to my prayers. Now you se I was really getting frustrated then so I asked God to reveal to me what He really wanted for my life. It had to take quite a number of painful experiences and expensive ones at that, to see that it wasn’t the direction that God wanted me to take. All this time I thought that I gave God the driver’s seat until He revealed to me that I was being a “backseat driver”. That was when I learned to stop dictating to God. I simply learned to let go and obey. Now letting go is not that easy but I just simply needed to trust His ways. All this time I was carrying a heavy load that was weighing me down, all the emotional, physical, mystical and material things that caused me pain, unforgiveness and things that I thought were important. I had to make things right, by forgiving people that hurt me and at the same time asking for forgiveness from those I have wronged.

I had to let go of the things that hindered me from receiving God’s blessings.

What I have learned through the years is to receive God’s blessings is to first have a relationship with the one who blesses you and that is God. Its knowing Him in a more personal capacity. Time and time again God will show you that He is in control and no matter how you try to go the opposite direction. He will always direct you to where he wants you to go. If we continue to be stubborn, it will just take a longer time for us to get to where we are meant to be. It is futile wrestling with God cause you are just exhausting yourself and wasting your time. At this stage in my life I just want to take His hand and follow His lead!

I still have my dreams. But this time my prayer is for God’s dreams for my life to be my dreams.  I live to honor and please Him all the days of my life.

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