It has been more than six months since the ECQ, MECQ, GCQ and all the Qs we have gone through. The first few months were so surreal not knowing how long this will last and as time went on we more or less adjusted to the whole situation.
I must admit there have been ups and downs with regards to the whole “New Normal” such as dealing with online classes for the kids and adjusting to the whole set up for my daughters Angia who is a senior in high school and Sofia who just started Grade 1. Angia more or less is used to it since she does home schooling while Sofia who loves going to school and interacting with her classmates was a challenge at first, but thank goodness she adjusted pretty fast.
What Ayen and I appreciate about our older kids Mariella and Hasan are their love and patience in helping out with the extra curricular activities of the two babies, Sofia and Lucia.

Mariella helps us out with Sofia’s online classes in areas where she is more knowledgeable on while Hasan keeps them fit by teaching them Muay Thai and playing with them off school hours.

Angia who is so artistic has been gaining a lot of followers on Tik-Tok with her creative videos highlighting her strength in make-up design, concept and collaborations with different influencers on Tik-Tok.

The past six months has taught us the true value of being with family and making the most of our time together with love and respect, making us rediscover what truly matters most in our lives which is our relationship with each other and most especially with God.
We don’t know how long this whole thing will last but one thing for sure is that we have each other’s back.

We are so grateful to PLDT Home for providing us with PLDT Home Fibr the best internet service ever. With 300mbps, we get to accomplish a lot of our work and at the same time enjoy the unlimited shows and music we get online.
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