Hi guys! I hope you are all doing well. I know it has been more than two months since the lockdown and most of you are already having cabin fever, we all have. But there are ways to beat that whether you are with family or living alone, you have the choice to be productive. There are always ways to enhance your talent or discover new ones.

I always believe in the saying “
What is in your hands right now? God put it there for a reason.
I also believe in this saying, which my wife Ayen has been telling me for years…
Bloom where you are planted
Regardless of the situation we are in, we can always choose to look at the brighter side of life and put into good use the talents God gave us.

Ayen and I make sure that our children are productive by doing what they love and discovering new passions and creating something out of them.

I also want to share with you an article written by Chonx Tibajia that was featured in the Philippine Star. https://www.philstar.com/lifestyle/health-and-family/2020/05/15/2014203/franco-laurel-shares-private-life-home?fbclid=IwAR0Udk7FXP0WIhgAXEeMIeAfSf51xRwYcbuu7mjejEy8dG0rLd8M2XiVZoQ&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&utm_term=Autofeed

Special thanks to PLDT Home for providing us with amazing internet connection via PLDT Home Fibr, which is what helps us keep sane and normal during this time of uncertainty and chaos.
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