One of the things I am very particular with is how my hair looks and I am sure a lot of you have the same concern. What we often forget is how to take care of our scalp.
I recently had my scalp evaluated using a special Kérastase Paris Scalp Profiler at the Kérastase Prestige Salon at Basement Salon SM Aura. I found out I had sensitive scalp most probably due to stress and pollution. That prognosis helped a lot in focusing on the treatment I should be taking to avoid hair loss, which is my main concern specially for my age. I was introduced to the Kérastase Paris Specifique and Densifique Homme products.

I was given a few tips on how to avoid hair loss based on the results of my diagnosys.
1. Begin treatment with an Anti-Pollution Cleansing shampoo using the Bain Vital Dermo-Calm, which calms, distresses and hydrates sensitive scalps. Then use the Kérastase Specifique Cure Apaisante – Anti-discomfort Concentrate for sensitive scalp. Use one whole box (12 vials) or until you feel the sensitivity in your scalp is gone.

2. Then shift to using Bain Densité Homme (Shampoo) which has Biotin and Polymére Texturisant to make your hair stronger and fuller.

3. Then apply the Densifique Homme (For Men) Stemoxydine and Yang Complexe. This is the hair density, quality and fullness activator program. Use this until your hair thickens and grows. You will see the results after using one box (30 vials). Continue using it for at least 3 months to get maximum results.

After trying all the products for a period of time, I noticed that the sensitivity in my scalp decreased to the point of not feeling it at all. Upon following the Densifique Homme hair density, quality and fullness activator program I noticed the growth of baby hair in the area where it was thinning and at the same time, hair loss decreased which was my main concern.

Kérastase Paris truly elevates its expertise in scalp care with the reformulated Specifique and Densifique Homme routine which helps solve the problem of hair loss and even increase hair growth. A main concern for all of us men.

To know more about this visit the Kerastase Prestige Salon at Basement Salon SM Aura Level 3 and have your scalp checked to know what kind of treatment is best suited for you.

For more details visit
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