Red Charity Gala gets bigger and bigger every year with more people supporting the annual event that helps raise funds for the Philippine National Red Cross and the beneficiaries of Assumption HS Batch ’81 Foundation.

And on its 11thyear RCH Co-Chairwomen Tessa Prieto Valdes and Kaye Tinga decided to add a new facet to the annual event by handpicking 10 bright, talented and beautiful young women as their muses. They were all introduced that eveing and were given their moment to shine by walking down the runway as their names were called and one of them is my daughter Angia Laurel.

Select photos by Daniel Tan
One of my proudest moments as a Dad is seeing Angia walk down the runway wearing her Mom’s red gown made by Jojie Lloren 18 years ago. Yes the gown is older than Angia and yes my baby is now a lady.

The story there is Angia was chosen to be the muse of Jojie for the cover shoot of Lifestyle Asia Magazine. (I will blog about it soon, when the magazine is out next month) Each designer was given a muse to wear their creation and Jojie happens to be one of Ayen’s favorite designers. Angia wore the first gown Jojie made for Ayen when he got back form Paris in 2001. So it is like a full circle moment or a passing of the baton sort of thing.

My date aka as her escort and alalay
I usually attend events on my own but that night I had a date, I was her escort, alalay and proud father all rolled into one.
It was an evening to remember as the 10 young beautiful women were introduced as the muses of RCG and the covergirls of the November issue of Lifestyle Asia. They are daughters of long-time supporters of the Red Charity Gala who all set to make a difference in the world and in their chosen fields.

Alexa Andanar, Erica Dee, Ara Dabao, Angia Laurel, Jeline Eduardo, Sofia Romualdez, Mika Lagman, Alayne Umali, Lyle Tina with Tessa Prieto Valdes and Kaye Tinga
Congratulations Alexa Andanar, Erica Dee, Ara Dabao, Angia, Jeline Eduardo, Sofia Romualdez, Mika Lagman, Alayne Umali, Kyle Tinga and Amanda Zamora.

Again congratulations Kaye and Tessa on the success of the Red Charity Gala 2019. You are both making a difference in the lives of everyone you are helping. God Bless You.

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